9, 村上道夫、小野恭子、井上知也、西川佳孝、小島直也、岩崎雄一、平井祐介、藤井健吉、
永井孝志 (2024)
リスク学研究, 33(4), 155-165
永井孝志 (2024)
環境毒性学会誌, 27(S1), S26-S36
7, 藤井健吉、河野真貴子、井上知也、平井祐介、
永井孝志、小野恭子、岸本充生、村上道夫 (2017)
レギュラトリーサイエンス(RS) のもつ解決志向性とリスク学の親和性~薬事分野・食品安全分野・化学物質管理分野の事例分析からの示唆~
日本リスク研究学会誌, 27(1), 11-22
6, 稲生圭哉、
永井孝志、岩崎亘典 (2014)
環境科学会誌, 27(4), 248-260
永井孝志 (2013)
日本リスク研究学会誌, 23, 145-152
4, 早坂大亮、
永井孝志、五箇公一 (2013)
農薬による生物多様性影響評価の重要性: 個体評価から群集評価へ:生物多様性に配慮した農薬管理の在り方
日本生態学会誌, 63, 193-206
永井孝志 (2011)
日本環境毒性学会誌, 14(1), 13-23
永井 孝志 (2011)
日本リスク研究学会誌, 21(2), 73-82
1, 水口 亜樹、
永井 孝志、浅井 元朗、池田 浩明 (2011)
日本生態学会誌, 61(2), 133-153
Nagai T, Kamo M (2025)
Modeling of the effect of pH and hardness on the toxicity of zinc, copper, cadmium, and nickel to the freshwater diatom
Navicula pelliculosa
Limnology, accepted
永井孝志、稲生圭哉、横山淳史 (2024)
環境毒性学会誌, 27, 32-45
70, 平井祐介、村上道夫、井上知也、田中周平、
永井孝志、浅見真理、畝山智香子、清水右郷 (2024)
企画セッション開催報告 リスク学の視点からPFAS規制のありかたを話し合う
リスク学研究【特集:第36回日本リスク学会年次大会】, 34(1), 17-20
永井孝志、櫻井玄、若井淳 (2024)
企画セッション開催報告 気候変動にともなう極端気象による社会のリスクと適応のためのツール
リスク学研究【特集:第36回日本リスク学会年次大会】, 34(1), 13-16
68, 稲生圭哉、横山淳史、鄭雅志、
永井孝志、岩崎亘典 (2023)
日本農薬学会誌, 48(2), 87-97
67, Tang L, Hayashi K,
Nagai T, Inao K (2023)
Preciseness, rather than simplicity, is required to assess pesticide reduction strategies: Findings from rice production in Japan
Science of the Total Environment, 887, 163636
永井孝志、稲生圭哉、横山淳史 (2023)
環境毒性学会誌, 26, 15-24
65, 上田紘司、
永井孝志 (2023)
環境毒性学会誌, 26, 8-14
64, Murakami M,
Nagai T, Kai M (2023)
Ethical and social perspectives of risk assessment, management, and communication in radiological protection and chemical safety
Japanese Journal of Risk Analysis, 32(2), 101-116
永井孝志 (2023)
リスク学研究, 32(2), 97-100
永井孝志 (2023)
農業情報研究, 31(4), 120-130
61, 村上道夫、
永井孝志、清水右郷、竹林由武、藤井健吉 (2022)
企画セッション開催報告 次期リスク学事典について考える
リスク学研究 31(3), 141-144【特集:第34回日本リスク学会年次大会】
Nagai T, Yachi S, Inao K (2022)
Temporal and regional variability of cumulative ecological risks of pesticides in Japanese river waters for 1990-2010
Journal of Pesticide Science, 47(1), 22-29
Nagai T (2021)
Ecological effect assessment by species sensitivity distribution for 38 pesticides with various modes of action.
Journal of Pesticide Science, 46(4), 366-372
58, Ueda K,
Nagai T (2021)
Relative sensitivity of duckweed Lemna minor and six algae to seven herbicides
Journal of Pesticide Science, 46(3), 267-273
57, 稲生圭哉、
永井孝志、横山淳史、岩崎亘典、堀尾剛 (2021)
日本農薬学会誌, 46(2), 51-62
56, 上田紘司、
永井孝志 (2021)
保全生態学研究, 26(1), 33-46
リスク学研究, 30(3), 147-153
永井孝志、村上道夫、藤井健吉、松田裕之 (2021)
企画セッション開催報告 新型コロナウイルス感染症をめぐるレギュラトリーサイエンス
リスク学研究, 30(4), 189-194【特集:第33回日本リスク学会年次大会】
永井孝志 (2021)
農研機構研究報告, 6, 43-52
Nagai T (2020)
Sensitivity differences among five species of aquatic fungi and fungus-like organisms for seven fungicides with various modes of action
Journal of Pesticide Science, 45(4), 223-229
永井孝志 (2020)
環境毒性学会誌, 23(2), 52-62
Nagai T (2019)
Sensitivity differences among seven algal species to 12 herbicides with various modes of action
Journal of Pesticide Science, 44(4), 225-232
49, 藤本真悟、
永井孝志、岩崎雄一、加茂将史 (2019)
環境毒性学会誌, 22(1), 1-11
48, 上田紘司、
永井孝志 (2019)
環境毒性学会誌, 21(2), 21-32
Nagai T (2018)
A novel, efficient, and ecologically relevant bioassay method using aquatic fungi and fungal‐like organism for fungicide ecological effect assessment
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 37(7), 1980-1989
46, Yabuki Y, Ono J,
Nagai T, Inao K, Tanimori S (2018)
Determining the suitability of a polar organic chemical integrated sampler (POCIS) for the detection of pesticide residue in the Ishikawa River and its tributary in Osaka, Japan
Journal of Pesticide Science, 43(1), 18-23
45, Iwasaki Y, Jusup M, Shibata K,
Nagai T, Kashiwada S (2017)
Lower sensitivity of cyprinid fishes to three acetylcholinesterase inhibitor pesticides: an evaluation based on no effect concentrations
Limnology, 19(1), 1-5
Nagai T (2017)
Predicting herbicide mixture effects on multiple algal species using mixture toxicity models
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36(10), 2624-2630
43, 谷地俊二、
永井孝志、稲生圭哉 (2017)
日本農薬学会誌, 42(1), 1-9
永井孝志 (2016)
環境毒性学会誌, 19(2), 83-91
41, Yabuki Y,
Nagai T, Inao K, Ono J, Aiko N, Ohtsuka N, Tanaka H, Tanimori S (2016)
Temperature dependence on the pesticide sampling rate of polar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS)
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 80(10), 2069-2075
40, 岩崎亘典、稲生圭哉、
永井孝志 (2016)
GIS -理論と応用-, 24(1), 31-38
Nagai T, De Schamphelaere KAC (2016)
The effect of binary mixtures of zinc, copper, cadmium, and nickel on the growth of the freshwater diatom
Navicula pelliculosa and comparison with mixture toxicity model predictions
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(11), 2765-2773
38, 谷地俊二、
永井孝志、勝又政和 (2016)
環境毒性学会誌, 19(1), 35-46
37, 谷地俊二、
永井孝志、稲生圭哉 (2016)
日本農薬学会誌, 41(1), 1-10
Nagai T (2016)
Ecological effect assessment by species sensitivity distribution for 68 pesticides used in Japanese paddy fields
Journal of Pesticide Science, 41(1), 6-14
Nagai T, Taya K, Yoda I (2016)
Comparative toxicity of 20 herbicides to 5 periphytic algae and the relationship with mode of action
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 35(2), 368-375
34, Hayasaka D, Kuwayama N, Azuma T, Ishida T, Mano H, Inoue M,
Nagai T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K, Sawahata T (2015)
Different acute toxicity of fipronil baits on invasive
Linepithema humile supercolonies and some nontarget ground arthropods
Ecotoxicology, 24(6), 1221-1228
Nagai T, Taya K (2015)
Estimation of herbicide species sensitivity distribution using single-species toxicity data and information on the mode of action
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 34(3), 677-684
永井孝志、加茂将史 (2014)
藻類に対する金属複合毒性のモデリング:Biotic Ligand Model, 濃度加算, 独立作用の比較
環境毒性学会誌, 17(2), 57-68
Nagai T (2014)
Algal population growth model integrated with toxicokinetics for ecological risk assessment under time-varying pesticide exposure
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 20, 641-657
Nagai T, Taya K, Annoh H, Ishihara S (2013)
Application of a fluorometric microplate algal toxicity assays for riverine periphytic algal species
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 94, 37-44
29, Hayasaka D, Suzuki K, Nomura T, Nishiyama M,
Nagai T, Sanchez-Bayo F, Goka K (2013)
Comparison of acute toxicity of two neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid and clothianidin, to five cladoceran species
Journal of Pesticide Science, 38(1), 44-47
Nagai T, Yokoyama A (2012)
Comparison of ecological risks of insecticides for nursery-box application using species sensitivity distribution
Journal of Pesticide Science, 37(3), 233-239
Nagai T, Horio T, Yokoyama A, Kamiya T, Takano H, Makino T (2012)
Ecological risk assessment of on-site soil washing technique with iron(III) chloride in cadmium contaminated paddy field
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 80, 84-90
26, Iwafune T, Ara T, Ishihara S, Yokoyama A,
Nagai T, Horio T (2012)
Investigation of concentrations of paddy herbicides and their transformation products in the Sakura River, Japan, and toxicity of the compounds to a diatom and a green alga
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 88, 38-42
Nagai T, Ishihara S, Yokoyama A, Iwafune T (2011)
Effects of four rice paddy herbicides on algal viability and the relationship with population recovery
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(8), 1898-1905
24, Iwafune T, Yokoyama A,
Nagai T, Horio T (2011)
Evaluation of the risk of mixtures of paddy insecticides and their transformation products to aquatic organisms in the Sakura River, Japan
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 30(8), 1834-1842
Nagai T, Tomioka N, Kawasaki T, Imai A, Matsushige K (2011)
In situ growth rate of
Microcystis spp. and their growth limiting factors: An application of cellular RNA content
Limnology, 12(3), 235-243
永井孝志、稲生圭哉、横山淳史、岩船敬、堀尾剛 (2011)
日本リスク研究学会誌, 20(4), 279-291
21, Iwafune T, Inao K, Horio T, Iwasaki N, Yokoyama A,
Nagai T (2010)
Behavior of paddy pesticides and major metabolites in the Sakura River, Ibaraki, Japan
Journal of Pesticide Science, 35(2), 114-123
20, Oyama Y, Matsushita B, Fukushima T, Chem J,
Nagai T, Imai A (2010)
Testing spectral decomposition algorithm (SDA) for different phytoplankton species by a simulation based on the tank experiments
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 31(6), 1605-1623
永井孝志、恒見清孝、東海明宏 (2009)
環境科学会誌, 22(2), 61-72
18, Yokoyama A, Ohtsu K, Iwafune T,
Nagai T, Ishihara S, Kobara Y, Horio T, Endo S (2009)
Sensitivity difference to insecticides of a riverine caddisfly,
Cheumatopsyche brevilineata (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae), depending on the larval stages and strains
Journal of Pesticide Science, 34(1), 21-26
17, Yokoyama A, Ohtsu K, Iwafune T,
Nagai T, Ishihara S, Kobara Y, Horio T, Endo S (2009)
A useful new insecticide bioassay using first-instar larvae of a net-spinning caddisfly,
Cheumatopsyche brevilineata (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae)
Journal of Pesticide Science, 34(1), 13-20
16, Tomioka N,
Nagai T, Kawasaki T, Imai A, Matsusige K, Kohata K (2008)
Quantification of
Microcystis in a eutrophic lake by simple DNA extraction and SYBR Green real-time PCR
Microbes and Environments, 23(4), 306-312
永井孝志、稲生圭哉、堀尾剛 (2008)
日本農薬学会誌, 33(4), 393-402
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Yokoi K, Fukushima T (2008)
Short-term temporal variations in iron concentration and speciation in a canal during a summer algal bloom
Aquatic Sciences, 70(4), 388-396
13, Kamo M,
Nagai T (2008)
An application of biotic ligand model to predict the toxic effects of metal mixtures
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27(7), 1479-1487
永井孝志, 恒見清孝, 川本朱美 (2007)
河川水中における重金属類のスペシエーション:Diffusive Gradients in Thin-films法による分析と化学平衡モデルによる推定
陸水学雑誌, 68(3), 391-401
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Fukushima T (2007)
Growth characteristics and growth modeling of
Microcystis aeruginosa and
Planktothrix agardhii under iron limitation
Limnology, 8(3) 261-270
10, Nara F, Imai A, Yoneda M, Matsushige K, Komatsu K,
Nagai T, Shibata Y, Watanabe T (2007)
Seasonal variation in sources of dissolved organic carbon in a lacustrine environment revealed by paired isotopic measurements (Δ14C and δ13C)
Radiocarbon, 49(2) 767-773
9, Oyama Y, Matsushita B, Fukushima T,
Nagai T, Imai A (2007)
A new algorithm for estimating chlorophyll-a concentration from multi-spectral satellite data in Case II waters -A simulation based on a controlled laboratory experiment-
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 28(7), 1437-1453
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Yokoi K, Fukushima T (2007)
Dissolved iron and its speciation in a shallow eutrophic lake and its inflowing rivers
Water Research, 41(4), 775-784
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Fukushima T (2006)
Effect of iron complexation with dissolved organic matter on the growth of cyanobacteria in a eutrophic lake
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 44(3), 231-239
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Fukushima T (2005)
Limiting nutrients on the growth of bloom-forming cyanobacteria with special focus on iron speciation
Verhandlungen Internationale Vereinigung fur theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, 29(2) 949-952
Nagai T, Imai A, Matsushige K, Yokoi K, Fukushima T (2004)
Voltammetric determination of dissolved iron and its speciation in freshwater
Limnology 5(2), 87-94
4, Choi K, Imai A, Matsushige K,
Nagai T, Kim YH, Kim B (2003)
Photoalteration in biodegradability and chemical compositions of algae-derived dissolved organic matter
Korean Journal of Limnology 36(3), 235-241
3, Imai A, Matsushige K,
Nagai T (2003)
Triharomethane formation potential of dissolved organic matter in a shallow eutrophic lake
Water Research 37(17), 4284-4294
Nagai T, Ru S, Katoh A, Dong S, Kuwabara T (2001)
An extracellular hemolysin homolog from cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC6803.
Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Photosynthesis, S36-010
1, Kuwabara T,
Nagai T, Ru S, Dong S (2000)
Assessment of interaction between scallop and cyanobacteria with special focus on cyanobacterial hemolysin
Biosystem Studies 3, 205